Inspire Kids to Do
The newest 4-H PSA campaign will engage young people and rally the nation to provide more youth with hands-on experiences to improve their life skills. Its goal is to galvanizing our strongest supporters – 25 million alumni who live and work across America – to help kids become successful and productive.
The long-term campaign objective is to prepare 10 million True Leaders by 2025. It will include an ongoing national consumer and employee engagement effort with youth rallies comprised of celebrities, influencers, corporate partners, 4-H alumni and the general public.
The new TV PSAs titled “Love Mom,” highlight the importance of kids doing activities with purpose through hands-on learning. They are available in in: 60/:30 and: 15 lengths in English and a :30 in Spanish. A dedicated campaign website for the campaign is at:
To download multiple lengths and formats of these spots, click on one of the following options below.