Why Evaluate Your Campaign?
We designed the first evaluation system for PSA campaigns in 1981, about the same time the personal computer came on the scene. Since then, we have produced hundreds of evaluation reports for TV, radio, print and out-of-home media.
In this data driven culture, accountability for marketing expenditures has never been more important. Beyond providing ROI data, evaluation provides the basis for important decision-making. It:
- Demonstrates if your message is resonating with your audiences
- Shows where you are and are not getting exposure
- Provides basis for making corrections
- Validates success of your PSA program
A research study conducted by the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) concluded that PSAs can induce significant changes in public health behavior. According to the report summary,
“In one of the toughest and most challenging areas for advertising today – that of changing attitudes and behavior for health-related issues — the use of public service advertising alone not only increased awareness, but also reinforced people’s belief, fostered their intent to act and inspired potentially life-saving action.”
How Do We Evaluate?
We get raw data from a variety of sources including the Nielsen, Cision’s, SQAD (Spot Quotations & Data) outdoor companies, affidavits, telephone and direct mail surveys. Each of our client reporting portals includes a detailed explanation of how we evaluate campaigns, our data sources and how we calculate values.
To provide evaluation reports to our clients, we create a password protected portal for each of our clients. They can select either current or archived reports; they can select by media title; or select by media type and they can export the data to Excel to create customized reports. One of the most useful reports is an Executive Summary which shows:
- Number of media outlets and markets where PSAs were used
- Total plays or occurrences
- Total value
- Gross Impressions
Another useful analytical report is a map of the U.S. showing PSA usage by DMA (Designated Market Area).
Click here to read a more detailed explanation for PSA evaluation rationale.