PSA distribution and tracking is a fairly complicated process, so there is a significant amount of forethought involved in what we do.
As shown in this flowchart, we initiate our planning process by reviewing the project requirements, deliverables, timing and budget with our client or their ad agency.
The most important part of the process is distribution, which begins with developing a plan that:
- Establishes a campaign budget
- Defines target audiences and target markets
- Allocates the budget by media type
- Establishes a timeline for implementation
- Provides details on how each type of media will help accomplish the client’s objectives.

To read more on the subject, go to the article entitled: Six Tips for Getting Your PSAs Aired at: www.psaresearch.com/six-tips-for-getting-your-psa-aired/
In our strategic plan we identify the type, number and specific job title of the media we are trying to reach.
Since we cannot guarantee that digital files sent to our media contacts reach the correct decision-maker, we also send instructions to the Traffic Directors at broadcast outlets. The instructions show the codes used to track broadcast assets, the title, spot length, language and sponsor for each PSA.