Many PSA distributors come from a production background, and while they may thoroughly understand how to distribute a PSA, they may not know how to help a client organization position its issue to gain maximum media support.
To maximize PSA attainment, it is important that you understand the mindset of the media gatekeepers who will decide if your PSA gets aired or not. While you, the producing organization, may be thinking mostly about your self-interest, the media is thinking mostly about theirs. If you want to get your message on the air, you have to think about their interests as well as your own. In short, the things they care most about are shown in this graphic.
While you cannot directly impact the first two R’s through PSAs, you can produce PSAs that are locally Relevant, which can gain broadcasters Recognition, and that recognition is then translated into greater Ratings and Revenue, the lifeblood of any media enterprise.
For mini-case histories on how we have helped our clients position their issues or create additional value for their organizations, click on the following:
How We Helped the U.S. Navy Reposition its PSA Program